The recent quarterly revenue forecast report from the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) projects an extra $4 million in revenue for the 2021-23 biennium, bringing the total to $364 million. For fiscal year 2021, the revenue had decreased slightly, down $100,000 to $165 million. Log prices for DNR timber sales followed the pandemic narrative: initial uncertainty and a low of $498/MBF in April 2020 before demand for lumber (and timber sales) took off last summer. The DNR saw prices peaking at $718/MBF in April 2021. Prices have backed off some since, but are expected to remain higher than normal through 2022, the report states. The report also stated the DNR plans to offer around 540MMBF for sale in fiscal year 2021.

According to state statute, 70% of state timber sale revenues are used to fund schools, public safety and infrastructure costs in the counties where sales are harvested.