The West Virginia Division of Forestry sent a crew of 20 men to help fight wildfires in the Rocky Mountains. The group of 14 state foresters and six volunteer firefighters took off for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania today, where they will meet four more crews before jetting west tomorrow.

Fire Staff Assistant for the West Virginia Division of Forestry, Jeremy Jones, says the fires they will be facing are much different than anything we see here in West Virginia. “We’re going to the Rocky Mountains, they’re way bigger than our eastern mountains, fuels are a little bit different, plus we don’t have fires as big as they do,” Jones said.

The crew was originally heading to Colorado, but after wildfires broke out in Missoula, Montana on Saturday, they quickly changed their route. They will work 14 days straight, for 16 hours each day while sleeping at a campground. “We’re sleeping in remote locations, in a tent on the ground, so you don’t get much rest, that’s the hardest part, and that’s why they limit you to only 14 shifts, because of the fatigue factor,” Jones said.

The trip is funded by the federal government, taking no state funds. Jones said while it will be a tough two weeks he is proud to use his skills to help another state dealing with natural disaster.

“It’s a great opportunity to go out and help another state. Who’s to say this fall West Virginia won’t need the same help from Montana, who knows? It’s nice to go out and help another state.” Jones said.

From WCHS 8 News: